Module description


15 variants

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7317900177491 25305913 {"da": null, "en": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 148 HVIT 300X350 HABO HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM HVIT MAKS BELASTNING 40KG HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM HVIT HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM HVIT MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM HVIT HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM HVIT MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HABO HYLLEVINKEL 148 HVITLAKKERT HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM HVIT HYLLEVINKEL 148 HVIT 300X350 HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM HVIT MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HABO 20STK 20STK 20STK", "sv": "KONSOL 148 VIT 300X350MM KONSOL 148 300X350MM VIT KONSOL 148 VIT 300X350MM KONSOL 148 VIT 300X350MM KONSOL 148 VIT 300X350MM KONSOL 148 VIT 300X350MM KONSOL 148 VIT 300X350MM", "bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "nl": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null}
7317900125881 28754331 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200 EIK MAKS BELASTNING 20KG HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200 EIK MAKS BELASTNING 20KG KONSOL 300 140X205 EIK STK HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200 EIK MAKS BELASTNING 20KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 300 EK 140X200MM KONSOL 300 140X200 EK KONSOL 300 EK 140X200MM KONSOL 300 EK 140X200MM KONSOL 300 EK 140X200MM"}
7317900125898 28754349 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK MAKS BELASTNING 30KG HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK MAKS BELASTNING 30KG HABO HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK STK HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265 EIK MAKS BELASTNING 30KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 300 EK 180X265MM KONSOL 300 180X265 EK KONSOL 300 EK 180X265MM KONSOL 300 EK 180X265MM KONSOL 300 EK 180X265MM"}
7317900132230 28756377 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 167 350MM FURU HYLLEVINKEL 167 350MM FURU HYLLEVINKEL 167 350MM FURU HYLLEVINKEL 167 350MM FURU HYLLEVINKEL 167 350MM FURU MAKS BELASTNING 15KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 167 350MM FU KONSOL 167 ALLMOGE FURU 350MM"}
7317900130885 28753986 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV HABO HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HABO HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300 HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 250X300MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HABO 20STK 20STK 20STK", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": null}
7317900130892 28753994 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV HABO HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HABO HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350 HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV HABO HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350MM S\u00d8LV MAKS BELASTNING 40KG ESKE HABO 20STK 20STK 20STK", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": null}
7317900150609 44256198 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 140X200MM SORT MAKS BELASTNING 20KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 300 140X200MM SVA RT KONSOL 300 SVART 140X200MM KONSOL 300 SVART 140X200MM"}
7317900150616 44256202 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 180X265MM SORT MAKS BELASTNING 30KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 300 180X265MM SVA RT KONSOL 300 SVART 180X265MM KONSOL 300 265X180MM HABO KONSOL 300 SVART 180X265MM"}
7317900150623 44256217 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 300 250X350MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 250X350MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 250X350MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 250X350MM SORT HYLLEVINKEL 300 250X350MM SORT MAKS BELASTNING 30KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 300 250X350MM SVA RT KONSOL 300 SVART 250X350MM KONSOL 300 SVART 250X350MM"}
7317900183171 25322512 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 190 150X200MM HVIT HYLLEVINKEL 190 150X200MM HVIT MAKS BELASTNING 80KG HYLLEVINKEL 190 150X200MM HVIT HYLLEVINKEL 190 150X200MM HVIT HYLLEVINKEL 190 150X200MM HVIT HYLLEVINKEL 190 150X200MM HVIT MAKS BELASTNING 80KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 190 HABO KONSOL 190 VIT 150X200MM KONSOLL 190 150X200MM VIT KONSOL 190 150X200MM VIT KONSOL 190 VIT 130X200MM KONSOL 190 VIT 150X200MM KONSOL 190 150X200MM VIT KONSOL 190 150X200MM VIT"}
7317900171383 48918516 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 4 200X200MM ANTIKK HYLLEVINKEL 4 200X200MM ANTIKK MAKS BELASTNING 80KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 4 ANTIK 200X200MM KONSOL 4 ANTIK 200X200MM"}
7317900171390 48918425 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 4 250X250MM ANTIKK HYLLEVINKEL 4 250X250MM ANTIKK MAKS BELASTNING 80KG HABO", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": "KONSOL 4 ANTIK 250X250MM"}
7317900110887 25322173 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 148 200X250 S\u00d8LV SB HYLLEVINKEL 148 200X250 S\u00d8LV SB MAKS BELASTNING 40KG PK HABO 2STK", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": null}
7317900110856 25322165 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 148 150X200 S\u00d8LV SB HYLLEVINKEL 148 150X200 S\u00d8LV SB MAKS BELASTNING 30KG PK HABO 2STK", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": null}
7317900110948 25322207 {"bg": null, "hr": null, "cs": null, "da": null, "nl": null, "en": null, "et": null, "fi": null, "fr": null, "de": null, "el": null, "hu": null, "is": null, "ga": null, "it": null, "lv": null, "lt": null, "mt": null, "no": "HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350 S\u00d8LV SB HYLLEVINKEL 148 300X350 S\u00d8LV SB MAKS BELASTNING 40KG PK HABO 2STK", "pl": null, "pt": null, "ro": null, "sk": null, "sl": null, "es": null, "sv": null}